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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  September 30, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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committee. >> why hang around when these idiots -- >> we ran out of time. thanks for watching. see you tomorrow. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier. in washington, we have six hours until the clock strikes midnight here in the east. lawmakers are desperately searching for the metaphor call glass slipper to keep the bureaucracy from turning into an underfunded pumpkin. so far tonight, little compromise. everyone is preceding as if the first government shutdown in 17 years is virtually inevitable. james rhodes is here. he will look at who will be affected and how. ed henry tells us what the president is and is not doing. we begin with chief congressional correspondent,
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breaking news from the capital. >> reporter: good evening. with time running out, the senate continues rejecting house passed bills since senator leaders are not negotiating, house republicans continuing hammering away at obama care. >> we're going to move here in the next several hours to take the senate bill, add to it a one-year delay of the individual mandate on the american people and get rid of the exemption for members of congress. >> the house is going to take a position today reflecting one very fundamental principle that our country stands for. no special treatment for anyone. >> reporter: late today president obama fired back. >> one faction of one party in one house of congress in one branch of government doesn't get to shut down the entire government just to refight the results of an election. >> reporter: earlier this afternoon, they stripped a delay
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of obama care and the repeal of the medical device tax by a party line vote. harry reid described this continuing resolution standoff in playground terms. >> you know, with a bully you cannot let them slap you around because they slap you around today, they slap you five or six times tomorrow. we are not going to be bullied. >> reporter: democrats want a so-called clean bill to fund the government for about a month and a half. new york senator chuck schumer suggested john boehner is listening too much to his tea party members. >> speaker boehner is like the ancient mayans. making a sacrificial offering. >> reporter: boehner seemed frustrated by senate skipping the weekend and waiting until ten hours from a government shutdown to meet. >> it's time for the senate to listen to the american people, just like the house has listened
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to the american people and pass a one-year delay of o'boom care and a permanent repeal of the medical device tax. >> reporter: that's what the house passed after mid-. night saturday night. sunday some republicans gathered on the senate steps of the capital drawing this conclusion. >> the fact that the senators aren't here and harry reid is off somewhere is all the evidence you need to know that they want to shut down the government. >> reporter: just moments ago, senator ted cruz from texas said that he would endorse the house bill that they are considering this evening. he says if the house is successful in passing it, the senate should come back and pass this continuing resolution immediately. a bit of a change because this is not defunding obama care, which he fought on the floor. the house needs to pass a rule to move forward with this plan. there's some concern there may be trouble as members get anxious about a government shutdown whether they will have the votes to proceed. >> we'll head back for breaking
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news about the rule vote. michael live at the hill. president obama has positioned himself as a willing peacemaker in the budget standoff. ed henry tells us tonight it's a lot more complicated tonight. >> reporteed, president obama d have any last-minute meetings with republican or democratic leaders on capitol hill. though he went forward with a planned sit-down with the israeli prime minister, where he insisted to reporters he's not resigned to a shutdown. >> the senate has passed a bill that keeps the government open, does not have a lot of extraneous issues to it, that allows us then to negotiate a longer-term budget and address a range of other issues. >> reporter: just in case the president gathered his cabinet late in the afternoon. >> i wish they were spending more time focusing on how to grow jobs in the economy as opposed spending time figuring out how to manage a government shutdown. >> reporter: the message pushed throughout the day is the president wants to work with
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congre congressional leaders on a broader deal outside the threat of a shutdown. >> i am not only open to, but eager, to have negotiations around a long-term budget that makes sure that we're invest in in middle-class families, but the only way to do that is for everybody to sit down in good faith without threatening to harm women and veterans and children with a government shutdown. >> reporter: except there was no sit-down on the budget today or in recent weeks. >> why don't you at least talk to them? even if they are wrong. >> can i remind you it was the speaker of the house saying he would never negotiate with the president again. he felt doing so burned him. >> bring him over here and force him. >> maybe you didn't catch up to what the president just said. he said he would be talking to leaders of congress. >> maybe today? >>. again, i have nothing new to report on the president's
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schedule. >> reporter: republicans continue to charge the president is going slow because the white house wants to pin blame on the gop. >> to me it looks like the democrats and the president are anxious to have a shutdown. >> reporter: jay carney denied that by saying he's not sure who will be helped politically. though he followed other aids who called republicans terrorists and arsonists. >> this is a blatant extortion. >> reporter: the president ratcheted up the rhetoric by saying of republicans you don't get a ransom to do your job. that might help him pile on congress but might be harder to get a budget deal. >> ed henry on the north lawn, thank you. it's believed more than 800,000 federal workers will be forced off the job without pay if a deal is not reached. who are they? what stays hope in this partial government shutdown? chief washington correspondent james rosen has all the fallout. >> reporter: air traffic
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controllers, federal law enforcement officers, the coast guard, customs and border patrol, postal service personnel and lots of other federal workers will stay on the job. but an estimated 800,000 federal employees at national park sites, museums, nasa and elsewhere will be told to surrender their government-issued smart phones and stay home. and it can change. >> in the 1 996 shutdown, social security focused on processing checks and continue d to do tha but declared the people that dealt with new applications for benefits to be nonessential. eventually after a couple weeks, they started to say we're going to have a huge backlog and brought those people back in. >> reporter: the house and senate voted to continue paying troops. claims processors will stay on the job and beneficiaries will receive benefits. but even before then, regional offices handling disability claims will likely cut back on
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services and some see the funding stoppage indektly affecting military operations. >> we won't fund the ships, the ground equipment and the ammunition that are always in use in preparing our troops to take the place of those troops who are in combat. >> reporter: others see no cause for lasting concern. >> there have actually been 17 shutdowns since the late 1970s. the stock market didn't tank in any of those shutdowns. indeed in the last big shutdown, 1995 and '96, the stock market actually rose. >> reporter: between a pay freeze and near shutdowns and e sequestration which forced furloughs this summer, uncle sam's workforce is feeling battered and weary. >> there's a combination of anger and fear of what might come and a certain sort of sense of resignation about here we go again with the same old thing.
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>> reporter: as president obama noted those on social security will continue to receive their checks. medicare patients will still be seen by doctors. but even those assurances are predicated on the shutdown not lasting too long. >> what if we get to the point getting retroactive pay? >> in all 17 shutdowns that have occurred, that has happened. it should happen this time too. >> james, thank you. do you think there should be a shutdown? let me know on twitter. up next, what israel says about iran's charm offenses. but here's what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. colorado springs with accused shooter james holmes back in court. his lawyers are hinting they will not be ready for trial in february. los angeles has a plane crash. two people died in that accident. this is a live look at our chicago affiliate. the big story there, the crash
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of two commuter trains this morning. close to 50 people hurt, no fatal tis. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from special report. we'll be right back. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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it was not all about the government shutdown today. president obama had an important meeting with one of the country's most important allies about a vitally important issue. foreign affairs correspondent wen dal has the story. >> reporter: president obama assured israel's prime minister he wasn't falling for what the israeli leader called the smiley campaign. >> we enter into these negotiations very clear. they will not be easy. anything we do will require the higher stands of verification.
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>> reporter: his phone conversation with the president was coolly received in israel. benjamin netanyahu said his own address to the u.n. will include ab an assessment of motelives. >> translator: i will tell the truth in the onslaught of smiles. >> reporter: after their oval office talks, he urged the president to continue the sanctions that may have pushed iran to the bargaining table. >> in fact, it is israel's firm belief if iran continues to advance its nuclear program, the sanctions should be strengthened. >> reporter: there was no discussion of a time frame for the talks, but the israelis b k backed off a prediction that they will enter the final phase some time this year. president obama said the military option is still on the table, but his reluctance to get involved in syria's war may have shown that military action is unlikely.
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republican senators lindsey graham and john mccain said in a written statement "we must not allow iran to use negotiations as a tool of delay." graham was more blunt. >> iranians are lying about their nuclear program. >> the world must give diplomacy a chance. >> we have to test diplomacy. we have to see if, in fact, they are serious. >> reporter: prime minister benjamin netanyahu will try to undermine the charm offensive extending his visit by a day and kbifing a series of media interviews in which will give his own tame taik on iran's motives. >> thank you. the nsa has reportedly been compiling social media profiles of americans for almost three years. the "new york times" reports the agency is trying to discover and track connections between intelligence targets overseas and people in the u.s. the nsa insisted in a statement to fox its activities are
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directed against foreign intelligence targets and it does not unlawfully monitor or profile u.s. citizens. american student amanda knox is not in italy tonight for the start of her second appeals trial. she and her former boyfriend were convicted and then acquitted in the murder of her british roommate in 2007. the acquittals were then overturned. she's not required to be at the proceeding. the obama administration is suing north carolina over its tough new voting rules. the state is one of at least five in the south adopting stricter laws in the supreme court striking down parts of the voting act. still ahead, more on the government shutdown. who is to blame for this whole thing? [ male announcer ] campbell's homestyle. mmm! this is delicious katie. it's not bad for canned soup, right? pfft! [ laughs ] you nearly had us there. canned soup.
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the mainstream media across the board has apparently made its call about who will be to blame in the government shutdown occurs. partial or not. we are going to take a closer look at that. >> one reason people think republicans are to blame for the government shutdowns is so much of the media keep telling them that's the case. cnn says the house bill to keep the government open while delaying obama care is a move that makes a shutdown more likely. later cnn described the bill as a "proposal to derail obama care." politico speaks of house republicans as deciding to "careen into a government shutdown." ever heard of congressman mark med dose of north carolina? according to cnn, he's "the man behind the government shutdown."
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he is, of course, a republican. even a blanksed paper report that the simplest path to avoid a shutdown would be to pass the fupding bill. it would be just as simple to pass the senate bill. but such scenarios do not occur to journalists because they consider it it unrealistic to expect the president and his party to compromise. this sort of bias is regrettable to sate least, but it's a fact of life. some republican hard liners might need to recognize that when they charge up a hill, they will be taking fire not just from democrats, but from most of the media as well. >> do you think the administration thinks, that the president thinks that he's bullet proof in this scenario right now? >> you mean if there's a shutdown he wins? and if there's not a shutdown because the house and republicans cave, he wins. i think that's what he thinks. and there's some history to support that proposition. however, it is at least possible, though it would be
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unprecedented, if it happens, for people to look at what's gone on to say the president wouldn't even talk to these guys. the senate rejected everything the house sent them. we don't like obama care. why not delay it in some way? it was a reasonable proposal. and they might not blame the republicans. i wouldn't bet on it, but it is possible that the kroots have overplayed their hand. it's possible. >> thank you. stocks were down today, believe because of this direct connection. the dow lost 129. let's talk a little bit about the economic effects of a government shutdown or possible government shutdown. melissa francis is live with us. good evening. there's a lot of talking about damage to the economy. how real do you think that is? >> absolutely. every economist is saying it's
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going to take one tenths of a percent off gdp. if workers aren't getting a paycheck, they are not going to go out and buy a shirt. i decided to look at the data from when this happened 17 years ago to see if people behaved that way. the economy was expanding at 3.5%. it ticked down to below 3%. when the government went back to work, it exploded. it started growing at 7.2%. all that was lost and more came back. so really told the different story about the damage, how permanent it is in the long run. >> what's the explanation for that explosion and did it stick back then? >> in normalized to a rate of 4% by the end of the year, but that's still higher than where they started. we were at 3.5% and we went to 4%. people think the clinton expansion was underway, but people think the government showed it could come together and that was a turning point in policy.
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from there they really embraced business and the economy expanded. but it's an interesting lesson for sure. >> what about unemployment? we're talking about 825,000 roughly federal civilian employees furloughed. what about unemployment overall? >> absolutely. in the case 17 years ago, we saw the unemployment rate tick lower. that's because the private sector was expanding fast enough that it overtook whatever was lost from the public sector. hast not likely to happen this time around though. >> so are investors on wall street nervous? >> absolutely. the market hates uncertainty and there's nothing more uncertain than in what's going on in washington right now. a lot of experts think if we see a shutdown, it it will be a roller coaster ride. make no mistake, the thing of the market is most focused on is the fed and the fed came out a short time ago and said they were not going to taper as planned. they were going to buy fewer bonds or maybe they were going to stop printing money. they said, hold on, we're going to keep the presses flowing in
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case there's a shutdown. they were anticipating this and the debt ceiling coming up. that's what markets are focusing on. >> melissa, thank you. what a difference one little word makes for obama care. we'll explain in a minute. and apparently hillary clinton is not ready for her close up. the grapevine is next. ♪ nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900.
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now the political grapevine. the documentary on hillary clinton is throwing in the towel. charles ferguson writes immediately after signing on to that film he started getting pressure from the clinton camp. "the day after the contract was signed, i received a message from hillary clinton's press secretary. he interrogated me. at first i answered, but eventually i stopped. ferguson says he reached out to clinton for an interview and "the message that came back was basically over my dead body." he claims of the over 100 people he approached for interviews, only two agreed. certainly nobody who works with the clintons wants access to the clintons or dreams of a position in her administration. when plans were first announced, the national committee voited to boycott debates over concerns the film would paint clinton in
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a positive light ahead of a presidential bid. the long-awaited kickoff of the obama care exchanges is tomorrow. whether there's a shutdown or not. and there has been a subtle, yet important change, to the portion of obama care website with information for those who can't afford any plan. the weekly standard published these two screen grabs. the top one was posted all summer long. the bottom one is what the website looks like now. notice the word free has been omitted from the last pitch. we have contacted health and human services for an explanation. it has not responded. a 7th grader has been suspended from school for having a key chain with a fake gun just a couple inches long. the boy tells a local tv station the key chain fell out of his backpack. it had a toy gun attached a little larger than a quarter. another student picked it it up and was showing it around. when a teacher saw it, the boy
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was suspended but not the other student. he says he bought it for 25 tickets at an arcade. the school system says it cannot comment on school discipline issues. tomorrow could be the most important phase of the health care overawl. there are not too many people expecting a smooth start. >> reporter: with president obama's signature legislation on health care about to begin, there's still numerous questions about how and whether it will work. >> obama care succeeds or fails based on enrollment. >> reporter: the most important is whether young people will sign up. >> the key are the young and. healthy who don't have big medical bills, but will premiums will be used to cover the cost of the older and sicker. >> health care costs for older people run more than 7 times more than the cost for younger people.
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>> reporter: the key question then is how many young people will sign up. one researcher found the financial incentives may discourage young people from enrolling. >> a lot of them in that age group 18 to 34 would actually save at least $500 by foregoing insurance on the exchange and paying the penalty under the individual mandate. >> reporter: about 3.7 million young people would say that much, he found. 3 million would save $1,000. with the fine for not having insurance only $95 the first year and many young people spending far less on medical care now than obama care would cost them, they fear the young will pass it up. >> it's one more thing that's going to discourage young people from signing up. >> reporter: another potential problem, both state and federal exchanges have been problems verifying incomes and who qualifies for subsidies, which could delay signing up. >> the glitches we have seen so far include things like a calculator that people were supposed to be able to use what their premiums would be.
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it doesn't work. >> reporter: after hyping october 1st and the day a brand new insurance plan would begin, over this past weekend officials were playing down the rollout they once touted. >> now they are faced with the potential for a poor launch of their program. they are trying to set expectations as low as possible. >> reporter: any administration failures could discourage the young, the most web savvy generation ever. >>. october 1st is going to be important whether they think it is or not. if these websites aren't functional on october 1st, that's another thing to drive young people away. >> reporter: those on all sides agree on one thing. if the young don't sign up, obama care will be far more expensive if it works at all. >> jim, thank you. 11-turn republican congressman spencer bachus of alabama says he will not seek reelection. he says it's time to allow
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others to have an opportunity to serve. it looks like we are headed for a partial government shutdown unless things change in less than five hours. we'll talk about the politics of all of it and the policy with the all stars after a quick break.
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the house is going to take a position today reflecting one very fundamental principle that our country stands for. no special treatment for anyone. >> we're confident that this issue will pass. this is a matter of funding the government and providing fairness to the american people. why wouldn't members of congress vote for it? >> congress needs to keep our government open, pay our bills on time and never threaten the full, faith and credit of the united states of america and time is running out.
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my hope and expectation is that in the 11th hour, once again, that congress will choose to do the right thing. >> president obama speaking about the partial government shutdown that may kick in in five hours and 22 minutes as the house continues to debate. right now, they are on what's called the rule to move forward with the continuing resolution, the continuing resolution, the funding of the government. as we take a live look at the floor, you can see that's democrats having congressman sam far talking. they are debating how this is all going to play out over the next couple hours. take a listen to the senate s e side. senator ted cruz and what he said about all this. >> did the senate come back yesterday? no, madame president, we did not. the majority leader could have called the senate back, we should have called the senate back.
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we were 48 hours away from a government shutdown, but the majority leader make made the decision it was important for senators to be home on vacation, home playing golf, home doing anything but being here on the floor of the senate doing the people's business. >> he went on to say that the senate should come back and pass whatever comes out of the house, even if it's just a one-year delay of obama care. we're back with the panel. let's bring in our panel. bill crystal, editor of "the weekly standard." so here we are. the house is now debating this taking what the senate passed back over bill and they are going to add a one-year delay of obama care and also taking out all of the congressional exemptions and administration exemptions. basically they would be in. the exchanges too. there's a bit of a rebellion going from speaker boehner from what we hear. >> the moderates are in a mini rebellion. they have had to accommodate the
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conservative wing in the last week. but i think the speaker has it under control. i think he deserves a medal after the last week keeping that group together. he has good taste in wine. you can buy him a glass of red wine after this. i wish two months they had gotten here. this is the best political ground to fight on. they are delaying the individual mandate, which people hate. it forced them to buy insurance they don't want and getting exemption for congressman. these are two extremely, strong, political and substantive grounds to add to the continuing resolution. if they could have had a debate on this for five or six weeks, they could have crumbled some solidarity, which harry reid has managed to maintain. if they get this through the house, it will be a bad vote for democrats and harry reid will have to strip the provisions.
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there's no difference on the spending level. why do the democrats object to this continuing resolution? because it takes away -- it us is spends for a year forcing people to buy an health insurance policy they don't. that's what the senate democrats are going to have to stand on. politically they have ended up in a good place later than they might otherwise have been. >> let me push back here. there are many moderate members we're hearing from capitol hill that don't think that their staff should have to feel the pain here according to one member who asked not to be identified, they, the tea partiers, have had their day in the sun. this is about people's lives. their staff work hard. they don't deserve this. >> this is something that was added to obama care as a sweetener. they will play by the same rules. that was voted on in both houses. the administration -- we didn't mean that.
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senators, congressmen, they get the 75% subsidy. no one else who goes in with those salary levels in the exchanges gets the subsidy. you can say it's a stupid law. fi fine, amend the law. the house democrat cans propose changing that law. it's the law of the land. i think the house republicans are intelligent to prevent the change of it and say i'm sorry there's no reason congress should get a better break than all the other americans that are being forced into the exchanges under obama care. >> why? that's a tough one to defend on that particular issue. >> i think so. i think it's a dodge. i think what's going on here has little to do with it except you have some in the conservative ranks who say here's a basis of our objection and why we are behaving as we currently are, in terms of voting to defund and end and repeal and kill obama care, however, you want to describe it. but the real action here is that i think among some republicans, there's the feeling that a day
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or less now of some kind of shutdown would have appeased the base that's enraged with president obama. but if you go beyond that, then you really start to do damage not only to their staffs, but you mention the people that work for them. then you do damage to their political futures in terms of 2014 and midterm elections. there are people on the republican side who are not on the tea party caucus who feel left oult. if you had a vote tonight and say we're going to have a vote on this bill, that's a clean, continuing resolution, he would get a majority of republicans to vote with the democrats to pass it. >> charles? >> look, on the substance of this, on the logic of this. if you took an objective observer and said to him, these two provisions that the republicans are demanding are eminently logical and they are a matter of fairness, there's no
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way in which you can defend exempting members of congress and also apply to white house staff from the provisions that everybody else has to live by. the bill is right. it's also lawless the way that it was undone because originally the unfairness was not in the bill. it was supposed to be equal. the administration unilaterally decided they would undo it. on the other issue, the individual mandate is open and shut. they are a big business. if you're a big player r and have a lot of lobbyists, you get a year delay. if you're an individual, you get nothing. so this is a very strong position. the problem is, as bill indicated, it's late in the day. a, we know how the press is going to play this. b, it it brings the president out. he has a sinking administration. his numbers are down. he's underwater in the approval polls. he's been humiliated in foreign affairs. the economy is stagnant. the democrats have been praying
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for this kind of redemption. because it's the only way it puts the president in the game. i thought he played it it really well today in the way he spoke about the shutting a yellowstone and statue of liberty. there will be cameras and little tots tomorrow weeping outside because they aren't allowed in. this is a dangerous game. logically, the gop is right. but in the way it's going to play, i think obama has a huge advantage. >> what about that statement that the president made in the white house briefing room? here's one part of it it about the health care law, the affordable care act. >> the affordable care act is moving forward. that funding is already in place. you can't shut it down. this is a law that passed both houses of congress, a law that bears my signature, a law that the supreme court held as constitutional, a law that voters chose not to repeal.
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>> essentially, they have not talked to republicans in this whole back and forth. ed henry pressed jay carney about that today. there's not been ongoing negotiation. this is kind of it. >> he wants to shut down debate. on the so-called affordable care act, the employer mandate is part of that act. it was sustained by the supreme court. the employer mandate was upheld by the election results. president obama delayed it for a year. what's the rational for delaying that? the other matter, the house republicans are restoring the original intent of the law. the president can say all he wants that the republicans are being ridiculous. the question is can they get beyond the sense of disarray on the republican side and the scare stories and get people focused on why the senate democrats are insisting on the shutdown, which is the one-year delay of the individual mandate, just a delay, it's not changing the law, but delaying something that's not ready to go into
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effect. especially on the special treatment of congress. >> okay. let's take a live look at the house floor. they have started a series of three votes. there are three votes in the series. this is all about the rule. the first one is a procedural vote. the second one makes the big difference. it's the one that everyone will be looking at. and essentially, if this second one is defeated, they really have big problems in the gop and can't call up the new plan for debate let alone ping-pong back and forth with the senate. this is going to take time to go through these series of votes. it's the plan that speaker boehner is laying out and they are going to do moving forward. you see the other clock ticking towards a partial government shutdown. next up, what israel thinks of the iranian charm offense? [ male announcer ] this is brad. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no.
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for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires reech ] ♪ [ beeping ] ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] ♪ may things always go your way. but it's good to be prepared... just in case they don't. toyota. let's go places, safely.
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>> serious about their un -- their willingness to abide by international norms. >> i also believe that if diplomacy is to work, those pressures must be kept in place and i think they should not be lessened until there is available success. >> bret: netanyahu will speak at the united nations tomorrow he met with president obama as you saw today saying he hopes the is not falling for what he called iran's smiley campaign. we are back with our panel. what about this meeting and the concerns of the israelis, charles? >> well, as a result of
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this -- beginning of the negotiations. they are the only ones say be openly you cannot trust the iranians. they say this cannot succeed because we know that the iranians are deceiving the world. the fact that the foreign minister has been saying and the president has been saying of iran, that we have never pursued nuclear weapons. we are not now, it's a bald face law that everyone knows but they persist in saying again and again. the problem is they have a long history rouhani, the president was the negotiator in 2003 for iran on nuclear weapons with the europeans. he boasted afterwards that by keeping things calm, by negotiating and smiling, they were able to complete a nuclear facility. these are people that have such contempt for the u.s.
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and the west that they actually saver their strategies spin the west and spin the uranium. they are worried they have no military options as long as the negotiations are happening and he they are going to happen for a long time. >> bret: speaking of the iranian foreign minister here is what he said this weekend on abc. >> not seeking nuclear weapons so we're not six months, six years away from nuclear weapons. we do not want nuclear weapons. we believe nuclear weapons are detrimental to our security. we believe those who have the allusion that nuclear weapons provide them the security are badly mistaken. we need to have a region and a world he free from nuclear weapons. >> and like charles, senator lindsey graham tweeted after that appearance, quote: the iranian foreign minister flat out lied on this week when he claimed the iraniansians have never been pursuing a nuclear weapon. what are we to make of all of, this juan. >> i'm not charles, i don't think the israelis are too
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isolated on this at all. from what i have been hearing from the white house people are quite aware that the recently hacking navy computers. they are aware that the iranians have a bad history when it comes to keeping their word. everybody is watching them thinking they are going to be suckered in this deal. there is a high degree of need for the white house politically to prove that they are being vigilant against any deal. now, senator -- i should say secretary of state kerry is to meet with their foreign ministers in geneva in mid october. the time line that the iranians are talking about is trying to put some kind of deal in place within 3 to 6 months, which is an extremely accelerated -- i think it's going to be clear pretty quickly. >> the iranian regime sent a i have the tri ole lick 20 page letter to the eiea to hold iran's nuclear activities to monitor them and challenging the report
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that they had august 2th. >> he will with the international energy agency has over the years i think more than a decade discovered clandestine. u.n. security council fashion. russian and chinese fashion over the years that the russians were lying and cheating. that's why they are trying to discredit the iaea. the problem is with this. president sounds sort of reasonable at first when he says we should test diplomacy. no one is against testing diplomacy. here is the problem. the clock is ticking. if the talking goes on too long, iran gets to nuclear capability. so it's not a mutual situation where we will take a year and test it and decide what to do. the iranians are close. that's one reason why they're launching this trauma offensive. under the guns have to make a serious decision. >> bret: okay. when we come back, some breaking news about a phone call just in. keep it here.
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>> bret: with a fox news alert. we can i don't know firm now that president obama spoke by phone just a short time ago to house speaker john boehner. they spoke on the phone for about 10 minutes. according to this official, both sides, quote: reaffirmed their positions in this standoff as the countdown clock continues. panel, quickly, what about this? >> i assume the president initiated this phone call. >> he did. >> they are not quite as confident as they appear to be in the public. >> if you are a dominant in the position do you make a phone call to the other side? >> the president needs, if there is any weakness in his position to show the american people is he trying to reach a deal. is he reasonable. >> bret: charles? >> apparently the person who put the two together and arranged this call was president rouhani of iran it was conducted entirely in farsi. this is obama is not weakness. there is a clever maneuver as a way to show he is open to talk with no intention of resolving anything he wants to -- a shutdown and
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is he going to get it. >> bret: special edition of "special report" midnight eastern. that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced and unafraid. >> jon: a fox urgent first on "the fox report." i'm jon scott in for shepard smith. there is word of a republic can revolt on capitol hill until five hours to go until a partial government shutdown. take a live look at the house floor. fox news has learned moderate republicans are trying to block a bill that demands changes in the healthcare overhaul in exchange for keeping the government running. senate democrats already have rejected similar bills and president obama is calling on congress to pass a funding bill with no strings atrashed. earlier today, house speaker john boehner said quote, that's not going to happen. >> this is a matter of funding the government and providing fairness to the american people. why wouldn't members of congress vote for it? >>